Our focus for Children’s Mental Health Week in February was ‘Healthy Relationships’ and we used this theme throughout assemblies and our STOP Morning that week.
We had some great visiting speakers for our STOP Morning sessions with students in Years 7 to 11. 
Emma, Adam, Lauren and Lily from Respect ME presented a number of different sessions for students, looking at relationships, consent and self esteem. Students were able to ask lots of questions about the issues of concern to them.
Jonathan Hughes from Cheshire East Adoption and Fostering Services and foster parent, Ken Talbot talked with students about the issue of adoption and fostering. Students took part in a quiz to identify some famous faces who had been adopted or in care in their early lives. They were also able to watch a film of poet and Chancellor of the University of Manchester, Lemn Sissay OBE, who was fostered at birth but then returned to the care system when he was twelve years old, where he remained until he was seventeen.
Throughout the sessions, students were able to hear from the speakers and share their own views around the subject of relationships. There were also lots of engaging activities to help students learn more about the concepts being discussed.